I wanted to let you know about a couple of issues I had with the AVRView software. I've only used it a little bit, as I've just built the kit, but I'm impressed with it. Obviously a lot of work has gone into it.
The computer I use for my electronics has Windows 98 on it, due to some older software I like to use. The installer on the CD crashes when I run it on this machine; it ran fine on a Windows ME machine I tested it on.
So instead, I downloaded the Java source code for AVRView to compile it with Java 1.5. I found that I also needed to download two libraries for it to compile: jdom (from http://www.jdom.org ) and javacomm (from http://java.sun.com/products/javacomm/index.jsp ). jdom seemed to work just fine, but it took me a while to get the javacomm working. After researching it on the web, I found that it has to be in directories with eight character or fewer names. I originally had it under "c:\Program Files", and was getting error messages; once I moved it to "c:\javalib", it worked fine. I'm not sure if this is an artifact of running it under Windows 98 or not, but I thought you should know about it. I assume that the libraries would have been installed properly if I had been able to run the installer program.
I had one last problem after it compiled. The build.properties file is in the main directory, but should be moved to avr\resource .
Thanks very much for the software. I'm looking forward to using it more.
- Bob