Info for Compiling Source Code

This forum is used to discuss questions and details regarding the AVRcamVIEW PC application.

Info for Compiling Source Code

Postby rgaimari » Tue Jan 25, 2005 10:29 am


I wanted to let you know about a couple of issues I had with the AVRView software. I've only used it a little bit, as I've just built the kit, but I'm impressed with it. Obviously a lot of work has gone into it.

The computer I use for my electronics has Windows 98 on it, due to some older software I like to use. The installer on the CD crashes when I run it on this machine; it ran fine on a Windows ME machine I tested it on.

So instead, I downloaded the Java source code for AVRView to compile it with Java 1.5. I found that I also needed to download two libraries for it to compile: jdom (from ) and javacomm (from ). jdom seemed to work just fine, but it took me a while to get the javacomm working. After researching it on the web, I found that it has to be in directories with eight character or fewer names. I originally had it under "c:\Program Files", and was getting error messages; once I moved it to "c:\javalib", it worked fine. I'm not sure if this is an artifact of running it under Windows 98 or not, but I thought you should know about it. I assume that the libraries would have been installed properly if I had been able to run the installer program.

I had one last problem after it compiled. The file is in the main directory, but should be moved to avr\resource .

Thanks very much for the software. I'm looking forward to using it more.

- Bob
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Nov 30, 2004 2:41 pm

Postby Guest » Tue Jan 25, 2005 9:37 pm

The computer I use for my electronics has Windows 98 on it, due to some older software I like to use. The installer on the CD crashes when I run it on this machine

I ran the installer on my Windows 98 box, and it installed ok. I didn't try building the source or anything, just installed the AVRcamVIEW application. I fired it up and it worked without problems...Brent: Any ideas here?


Postby Bud » Wed Jan 26, 2005 8:01 am

I'm not aware of any problems running on Windows 98. Could you please post more information about how the installer crashes. Does it crash during the middle of the installation, does it post an error message.....?

As far as building the source, you will also need ANT from The build.xml file will update the file and move it to the avr\resource directory. A new version of the AVRcamVIEW will be released next week and will not need the file.

The javacomm library needs to be placed into the following locations to work:
    win32com.dll - <JAVA_HOME>/bin
    comm.jar - <JAVA_HOME>/lib/ext - <JAVA_HOME>/lib

The JAVA_HOME is where your JDK or JRE is installed. I've never had a problem with the 8/3 file name conversion.

-- Bud
Posts: 9
Joined: Sun Dec 12, 2004 5:37 pm

Postby rgaimari » Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:39 pm


My computer couldn't read the CD I received with the kit, so I downloaded the ISO image and burned my own. This is what I tried to do the install from. It's possible that there was an error in writing my own CD, or in the image. I guess that that problem was just mine and won't repeat.

I didn't use ANT, just compiled the directories by hand; that must be the reason for the problem.

And as far as the eight-character directory limit, I can't re-find the page I found this info on. So, again, maybe it was just my set up that was causing the problem and I fixed it by accident :) . Anyway, thanks for the feedback.

- Bob
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Nov 30, 2004 2:41 pm

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