PC Communication Issue

This forum is used for discussing hardware, software, and technical details of the AVRcam embedded system.

PC Communication Issue

Postby aquint1 » Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:14 pm

I'm having a issue communicating with the AVRCam using my PC. Heres the problem. I reversed the power leads accidentally and my buddy claims to have saw some smoke come out of or near the power switch. After that communication with the PC has been inconsistent. We would get ACKs back every now and then. Trying to capture a frame only returned 20% of the picture and then locked up the program. We installed spare chips for each of the 3 ICs, but that didn't help.

We did, however, get it to work correctly when we connected the Gnd pin of the TTL port to the Gnd pin of the 3 pin header with Vcc, Gnd and Sig1?!?!?!? The Gnd pin on the TTL port without this connection has a very peculiar waveform. I'm stumped for now so any help would be appreciated.

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