When I send color map I get ACKNCK, not just ACK

This forum is used for discussing hardware, software, and technical details of the AVRcam embedded system.

When I send color map I get ACKNCK, not just ACK

Postby catalin_cluj » Thu Mar 01, 2007 11:06 pm

Somehow this is not shown in the PC application provided (AVRcamVIEW), but it shows in mine...

The AVRcam seems to accept the color map, but... is this a "side effect"?


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Postby johno » Tue Mar 06, 2007 6:23 am

Hmm...in the thread you posted in the AVRcamVIEW forum, it sounds like the AVRcamVIEW app is sending:

<16-bytes of colorMap>\r\n

Yes, the first portion of the command (<colorMap><\r>) would cause a successful programming of the colorMap, and the subsequent \n would be read as an invalid command and a NCK would be sent.

I don't recall seeing AVRcamVIEW doing this in the past, but it is possible. I'll ping the author of the app and see what his thoughts are.

The proper way to send a color map is <16-bytes of colorMap>\r, as shown in the User's Manual as well as UIMgr.c (remember, going to the source code is ALWAYS the definitive answer...and thus the beauty of open-source).
-John O
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Postby catalin_cluj » Tue Mar 06, 2007 11:07 am

Thanks John,
My application (I just realized) may send "\r\r" (because I made the line-end to be '\r' and I may also include a '\r' with the string... I'll have to fix that, but the supplied AVRcamVIEW does send "\r\n"...

but MORE IMPORTANTLY: when it's doing nothing, does the AVRcam code "sleep" somewhere, or does it keep looping the Exec_run loop?


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Postby johno » Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:03 pm

The AVRcam just loops in Exec_run() waiting for events to be generated by the system. It does this forever.

Remember, use the source :-) Executive.c shows the details.
-John O
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Posts: 51
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