This week I tried to get my AVRcam to work but unfortunately it didn't do it as I expected.
We'll the voltage regulator is working (green LED is lit up) and both controllers have their 5V at Vcc. Also there is no short circuit (which I didn't expect from a professionally manufactured PCB).
Fortunately I have another board to program ATmega8 controllers so I tried to take a new mega8 and put the AVRcam firmware on it.
This also didn't work. After some research i discovered the AVR doesn't seem to get a clock signal so I reprogrammed it to run from the internal RC (with 8MHz).
We'll this time it did work! The yellow LED was blinking 4 times (although it was quite slow because of the slower clock) and then stayed powered on.
So I tried to send some signals to the camera with HyperTerminal (with Jumper 2 inserted) but didn't get any response to the "PG" command (also tried with AVRcamView, didn't work too).
I used an oscilloscope to view the signals I was receiving. I did backtrack it (starting at the RXIN pin of the MAX232) to the RX-Pin(2) at the AVRcam, where I saw a correct signal.
Well, since I was running the mega8 at 8MHz I didn't get any signal at the TX-Pin(3).
So the MAX232 seems to work correctly. This means the MAX232 and the ATmega8 can't be the reason (since the LED blinking is done by the mega8)
This lead to the asumption that either the tiny12 or the C3088 camera module are not working correctly!
Now comes the part where I really need help since I still don't understand the exact function of the tiny12 (already read every thread about its purpose) and also don't have a real datasheet for the camera module (exept this one page sheet where I have the pin layout...)
What is Jumper 1 for and what is if I take it out?
The manual ONLY mentions it on page 12 as "AVRmega8 ISP Jumper" but on the page about programming the AVRcam it isn't mentioned.
Well, if I put it in the XTAL1-Pin of the mega8 is connected to FODD of the camera module. Since the XTAL1-pin is for clock input i assumed the mega8 get it's clock from there but the FODD pin of the camera module doesn't output any periodical signal! When I measure it with the osci I only get a constant 5V signal! (don't know what the Odd Field Flag is for, but since its a flag I suppose its normal that its a constant signal but why is it then connected to XTAL1?!)
And also I didn't understand if this would really be for the mega8 clock, why should you wan't to be able to disrupt the connection? Then the mega8 wouldn't have any clock.
So the next target was the tiny12. The only Pin I measured something interesting with the osci was Pin 6 (which goes to the I²C serial clock input) where I got a periodical signal which had a quite high offset in the voltage axis so the low amplitude didn't even reach zero.
That's all I can tell you now (as far as I can remember).
So concluding I can say:
- supply is working correctly (MAX232, mega8 and tiny12 have 5V at Vcc)
- MAX232 seems to work correctly, since I get correct signals at input and output up to the RX-Pin of the mega8
- mega8 is working when I set it to work with 8MHz internal clock (at least it gets the yellow LED to blink)
My questions are:
- what does the FODD pin on the C3088 do?
- why is it connected to XTAL1 of the mega8?
- why can you disrupt this connection with the Jumper 1?
- if the FODD output is supposed to output constant 5V, where does the mega8 get its clock from?
- what am I supposed to measure at the 3 Pins of the tiny12 (5, 6) that are connected to the C3088?
- What are the fuse setting supposed to be? (I read them from the original controller and they where set to "running from external quarzt with 14-16MHz)
Well, I think thats verything for now

I hope to get an answer soon because I need to have it running at least in the next month!
PS.: just remembered that I also couldn't reprogram the mega8 in the AVRcam board. When I tried to verify the program there where always errors at some points in the data and when I tried to program it just didn't work. I used avrdude or AVR8 Burn-O-Mat. I did initialise it while the yellow LED was blinking and tried it with JMP1 in and out several times..