- Code: Select all
write 0x20 to register 0x14 to reduce frame size
write 0x80 to register 0x12 to choose YUV format
write ???? to register 0x11 to reduce frame rate
wait until VSYNC goes low
wait until HREF goes high
while HREF remains high
wait until PCLK goes high
read port y and transmit serially to PC
wait until PCLK goes low
if(row<178 row++;
else row=0;
if(col<146) col++;
else col=0;
Also i have a doubt regarding register 0x11. Say i write 0x01 to it,
then according to the formula given in the datasheet,
[ 17.7/ ((1+1)*2) ] /2 =2.2125MHz. Is this right??