YUV instead of RGB

This forum is used for discussing hardware, software, and technical details of the AVRcam embedded system.

YUV instead of RGB

Postby davedave » Wed Sep 13, 2006 10:23 pm

Has anyone thought seriously about doing the colour recognition in YUV instead of RGB?
After reading through the paper mentioned in AVRcam manual (I don't have it around at the moment), YUV seems the way to go for better colour tracking. The camera has the capability to do it, but does anyone have any idea about whether it could work with only 4 bits?
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Postby johno » Fri Sep 15, 2006 7:19 am

Agreed, working in YUV is definitely a better color space to use compared to RGB. It is a much better space when the user is dealing with variations in lighting conditions. The AVRcam will work fine in the YUV space (just requires a single register tweak in the OV6620). The main problem I ran into is that I can't visualize YUV like I can RGB. Comparing luminance and chroma values are essentially meaningless in my head when it comes to figuring out how to represent, say, light orange. So the decision to use RGB wasn't based on technical issues, rather usability issues.

One thing to note here: the AVRcamVIEW PC application is set up to use RGB values only. Thus, dumping an image in YUV color space will look odd.
-John O
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Postby davedave » Wed Sep 20, 2006 8:18 pm

I'm not so bad at visualising stuff after working on a magazine and the relatively small step of RGB<>CMYK all day, every day. After this semester of uni is over I'll give the conversion a go.
Expect lots of silly questions to pop up on the AVRcamVIEW pages bacause I'm ok at C but really very bad at java.
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Location: Canberra Australia

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